Occupational Health And Safety And Fire Protection
Increasing the level of Occupational Health and Safety has a strong economic significance as addressing issues related to Occupational Health and Safety, creating favourable working conditions and relationships optimises the work process and has a positive economic effect. It decreases losses and increases labour productivity, effectiveness, and quality, leading to company prosperity. There’s also a humanistic aspect to Occupational Health and Safety. It represents the employer’s social and cultural standards, building their image on the market.
Fire Safety is an indispensable part of life, i.e. of modern business management as well. National statutory requirements must therefore be reflected in the requirements of multinational companies, their owners or insurers. High degree of Fire Safety means a high degree of protection of life, health, property, and also the environment.
Raising employee awareness regarding Fire Safety decreases fire hazard and increases the likelihood that potential fires will be fought quickly and effectively. Taking good care of technical equipment – a necessary part of fire prevention – also lowers fire hazard. Finally, the whole system includes an in-house audit, with the aim of not only finding possible Fire Safety failures, but also of focusing on specific areas and developing them.
The issue of Occupational Health and Safety, as well as Fire Safety, isn’t solely a matter of laws and other legal regulations. IT’S A MATTER OF CONVICTION which starts at the very top of a company and ends with ordinary employees.